Benefits of riding
More than just physical benefits...
A rider, no matter what their disablities, can get many benefits from riding , and can realise achievements that might have been thought impossible.
Physical Benefits
Learning a new physical skill
Sustaining and improving a skill
Improving balance
Improving co-ordination
Increasing muscle control
Increasing muscle strength
Personal, Health and Social Education
Increasing confidence
Raise self-esteem
Conquer fears
Building up trusting relationships
Learn to consider the welfare of an animal
Being able to do something that friends and siblings sometimes can't do
Fun and enjoyment
Gives new perspectives
Taking control - steering the pony
Gain recognised staged badges in riding and stable management
Movement on horseback
Smell touch and hearing
Different surroundings
Relationship with animal
Calming experience
Cognitive/Language learning
Interact with new people
Follow a routine
Follow instructions
Learn to wait
Learning and complying with new sets of rules
Learn to care to an animal (some ASD pupils can relate to the horse's feelings better than to human feelings)
Learn and use related language - woah, walk on, reins, saddle etc
Learn and use directional language - up/down, left/right, slow/fast
Opportunity to generalise learnt language/behaviour patterns in a safe and forgiving environment.
It is frequently said that our volunteers gain enormous pleasure and benefits from being involved - why don't you join us?